Opiate addiction happens when a person loses control over their use and develops a physical dependence on opiates. It is a chronic neurological disease that is dealt with over a person’s lifetime. Opiate addiction is harmful and expensive. Users are at risk of overdose leading to cardiac arrest and death, sickness, weight loss or gain, and Hepatitis B or C, HIV and AIDS if injecting opiates. Opiates can take over your life, leave you broke and with broken personal relationships.
While treating opiate addiction is not easy, opiate addiction help can be found. The first step is acknowledging the need for help. It takes a lot for an individual to admit that they have a problem, but it can be a life-saving admission. Loved ones of addicts often do not interfere for fear of being intrusive or assuming responsibility, but it is important to confront the problem if you see one of your loved ones displaying symptoms of opiate addiction. Once you are ready to seek help for yourself or a loved one, this list of opiate addiction help may be of assistance.
Inpatient and outpatient care, behavioral therapy

Medical professionals are dedicated to helping you recover.
Inpatient and outpatient care are available across the US for opiate addiction help. Given the fact that opiate addiction can be an all-encompassing disease, inpatient care may be necessary for individuals with severe addiction problems. In inpatient programs, you live in the treatment facility and receive daily support for a set period of time. That amount of time can change depending on how you respond to the care provided. Outpatient programs are usually near your home and involve counseling sessions at regular intervals.
Both of these programs will usually include a combination of counseling, education, pharmacotherapy, and drug screening. Counseling will likely include behavioral therapy, where a counselor will work with you to try to curb your cravings by understanding what triggers you to take drugs and changing your pattern of thought and behavior.
Several medications are available for opiate addiction help. They are intended to help individuals stop using opiates and to deal with the negative effects of withdrawal. Drugs like methadone, buprenorphine, and suboxone are used as substitution or maintenance treatments. The idea is that these drugs are safer than opiates and their use can be monitored. Methadone, for example, can only be taken in specialized clinics, has fewer side effects, and leaves individuals less depressed than opiates. It is also effective as a type of opiate addiction help because it does not expose you to the dangers of drug injection, such as Hepatitis B and C, HIV and AIDS. Another benefit is that it takes away the criminal behavior and environment associated with opiates. The goal with these drugs is to decrease dosage over time and eventually help stop usage altogether.
Support groups
Support groups like Narcotics Anonymous exist to help people deal with addiction. By sharing stories, worries, problems, and progress updates, dealing with addiction becomes less of a lonely endeavor. Instead, it can be a shared process where you receive help and support from people who really understand what you are going through. Not only that, but groups like NA will often give you a program to help deal with your cravings and control your addiction. They follow the 12-step program which involves admitting that you have a problem, surrendering yourself to a higher power, asking that higher power for help in overcoming addiction, and making things right with people that you may have harmed while you were using opiates.