What to Expect During an Opiate Detox
Opiates are a class of drugs that refer to natural and synthetic forms of opium. Morphine, codeine, and raw opium would be in the class of opiates, as well as heroin, Oxycontin and Percocet; although painkillers such as Oxycontin and Percocet are referred to as opioids.
No matter what type of opiate a person is addicted to, all opiates are analgesic drugs which depress a person’s nervous system, and all opiates will cause withdrawal symptoms to occur once a person stops abusing the drug.
The physical withdrawal symptoms of opiates have commonly been compared to the symptoms of the flu, however every person responds to an opiate detox differently and some people experience more severe symptoms than others. According to the US National Library of Medicine National and Institutes of Health, physical withdrawal symptoms for opiates include, sweating, dilated pupils, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, runny nose, increased tearing, muscle aches, and Goosebumps.
The physical withdrawal symptoms from an opiate detox typically are short lived and do not exceed past a week’s time, however the psychological symptoms do not go away as easily and can be the most challenging for a person to overcome. According to the US National Library of Medicine National and Institutes of Health, the psychological withdrawal symptoms of opiates typically include anxiety, agitation and insomnia.
How Opiate Treatment Helps

You can overcome an addiction to opiates!
Overcoming an opiate addiction will take time and effort for a person to succeed. Opiate treatment programs will be able to provide an individual with medication to help them through the withdrawal symptoms as well as therapy to help them get through the psychological withdrawal symptoms.
An opiate detox can be painful for a person to go through, and being supervised and monitored by a drug treatment program can help an individual feel safe and can help a person receive the medical support and mental support they need to conquer their addiction.
There are various types of opiate addiction treatment programs that a person can choose from to help with their addiction, and there are even free rehabs, and programs, such as Narcotics Anonymous, that help support people with living a drug free life.
Every treatment program has their own type of therapy and their own type of treatment methods to help a person overcome their opiate addiction, which is why it is important for a person to conduct a plethora of research to find a treatment program that they feel will provide them with the best resources and service to help regain control of their life again.