Aegis Medical Systems, Inc.- Santa Barbara
in Santa Barbara, California

Aegis Medical Systems, Inc.- Santa Barbara
4129 State St., Ste. B,D,E & F
Santa Barbara, CA 93110 (805) 964-4795
Santa Barbara, CA 93110 (805) 964-4795
Call NOW to Speak with a Treatment Provider.
Who Answers?
Supportive tools for making better life choices.
Call NOW to speak with a opiate drug rehab counselor:
800-442-6158Supportive tools for making better life choices.
Call NOW to speak with a opiate drug rehab counselor:
Our online database of opiate addiction treatment centers in Santa Barbara, California features many alternatives to help you break free from addiction. For help finding treatment, call us toll-free at 800-442-6158. Who Answers?

Opiate Treatment Outpatient Program San Francisco General Hospital
1001 Potrero Ave.San Francisco, CA 94110 Learn more

Addiction Research and Treatment, Inc., (ART)
1111 Market St., First FloorSan Francisco, CA 94103 Learn more

Aegis Medical Systems, Inc.- West Covina Thelborn
1825 East Thelborn St.West Covina, CA 91791 Learn more
Why Choose
We know that each person and situation is unique, and not all treatment options are the same.PROFESSIONAL TREATMENT
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Research shows that people who leave their immediate area have the best chance for success.SPEAK WITH A COUNSELOR
Get qualified advice from a professional right now: 800-584-3274YOUR TREATMENT MAY BE COVERED!
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