By the time you’re addicted to opiates, it can be tough to remember what the sober life was like. Your life in addiction centers around trying to ensure access to a steady supply of drugs to avoid unpleasant withdrawal symptoms. Many people do a lot of things they’re not proud of in pursuit of drugs. Imagining another way can seem impossible. But you can be reassured by the fact that a sober life is not only possible, it’s much more rewarding than you ever expected.
Taking the First Step
The first step toward sobriety is the hardest and most important. Make a decision that you’re going to quit using drugs, once and for all. Even though you may have decided to stop using, you may need help putting that goal into action. That’s where a qualified rehab facility comes into the picture. Trained counselors can help you safely detox from opiates. Once the drugs are out of your system, then you can start working on yourself to reduce the risk of relapse.
Working on Healing

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Recovering from addiction is not just a one-time event. Ongoing counseling, particularly in the early days of recovery after detox, helps you to learn more about yourself. You’ll find out how to deal with stressful situations that would have previously triggered a relapse. Many addicts need help with coping strategies for the hurtful occasions we all sometimes face.
You may find that recovery is one of the first times that you’ve really been able to focus on yourself. After the initial detox period, you may be surprised by how enjoyable the recovery process can be. You’ll learn to set healthy boundaries with other people, which will likely reduce the amount of conflict in your life. You can also focus on the activities that feed your soul, such as journaling, sports, yoga or art.
Benefits of Sobriety
Sobriety is anything but boring. You will find new ways of enjoying your time and will fill your life with healthy friends. But you won’t need drugs to do it. You’ll enjoy feeling healthy and free of the dependence on substances. You’ll also find that now that you don’t need to spend so much time engaged in drug-seeking behavior, you have a lot more time for pursuing goals. Many people find a whole new life in sobriety, whether they choose to go back to school or take up a new hobby. Being clear-headed frees up a lot of time and mental energy for positive pursuits. You may be surprised to see how much you’re capable of accomplishing in sobriety.
When Feelings Make You WANT to Use Opiates: What to Do to Avoid Relapse
How to Stay Sober
Staying sober requires a lifelong commitment. Fortunately, it’s a commitment worth making. But the efforts you make to get and stay sober build upon each other. Finding a supportive treatment team is key to making sure your efforts stick.
Methadone maintenance therapy is a good way to make sure that you can fight off drug cravings. Methadone reduces your cravings for opiates and makes relapse less likely. Because methadone works slowly, it makes you less likely to get high if you do slip up and take opiates. In this respect, it acts as extra insurance against using opiates again in the future. However, methadone does present the risk of overdose if you use opiates with it, so it’s important to stay committed to sobriety.
Many people become addicted to opiates as a result of chronic pain or injury. Methadone can be a good treatment option in these cases since the drug itself is a powerful pain reliever. Methadone maintenance therapy can be a very responsible choice, but it’s important to carefully follow your doctor’s instructions about how to use it.
When you’re ready to embrace a new sober life, call the compassionate experts at 800-442-6158 Who Answers? . Your better life is waiting just around the corner.