Morphine is a highly effective drug for the relief of pain that is moderate to severe. It is derived from a natural source and has been copied in its chemical make-up in the production of other analgesic drugs, because of its success at getting rid of pain. Having said all these wonderful things, it must be recognized that morphine is also highly addictive if not governed properly and fans find themselves seeking its euphoric effects for recreational use instead just in emergency or medical situations. Special care and restraint should be administered when employing the use of this powerful drug.
Morphine addiction has grown exponentially over the last century and even in other forms that are derived from morphine; the risk of addiction and eventual death is real. Sadly, most addicts go untreated and end up ruining their lives and alienating themselves from all good things in their lives, including family, friends, and careers.
According to The National Survey of Drug Use and Health, in 2007 over 23 million Americans over the age of 12 were in need of medical intervention for addiction to illicit drugs. The report goes on to claim that of those addicts, nearly 21 million did not receive the help that they needed. The reasons most addicts fail to receive necessary treatment lie mostly within the individual’s unwillingness to receive help and change their lives.
Morphine is a cunning and unforgiving mistress who will not release you from her clenches without a battle. Round after round the strength to deny oneself and persevere toward the control that was lost in the first place, must be bolstered up and held tightly. Luckily, in this modern, tech savvy world, help is just a few clicks away and is more practiced and proven than in years past.

It is important to look for a treatment center that incorporates therapy.
When seeking help for Morphine addiction, look for resources that will incorporate not only the detoxification, and therapy, but will also teach you how to maintain sobriety and what to do in the face of relapse; You must be ready for everything to change. You must be ready to reclaim your freedom.
It is stated very clearly in a SAMHSA quick guide for clinicians, that,
“Detoxification alone is not sufficient in the treatment and rehabilitation of substance use disorders”
Instead, they recommend a rigorous but encouraging process that involves:
- Detoxification- a clearing of toxins from the patient who is acutely intoxicated and/or dependent on substances of abuse
- Evaluation-substance testing and identifying co-existing addictions/mental conditions
- Stabilization- helping the patient through withdrawal and into a medically stable, substance-free condition
- Fostering-supporting the entry into treatment and encouraging them along the way in the hopes of finishing treatment and recovering fully
Within these phases of treatment the addict undergoes physical, mental, behavioral, and environmental changes. Support from therapy, staff, family and friends encourages the addict to continue on the road of rehabilitation. The patient will be instructed in areas regarding relapse prevention and taught to recognize, avoid, and cope with triggers in everyday life.