Getting someone into treatment for opioid addiction usually isn’t easy, but it will be necessary for your loved one to be able to recover effectively. Call 800-442-6158 Who Answers? now to find rehab programs that will take your loved one’s needs into account and help them put an end to their substance abuse.
Step One: Finding Treatment
The most important thing is to already have a treatment option set up for your loved one before you even begin talking to them about their morphine addiction. This way, they won’t be able to put off getting help. It is best to find a professional rehab program they will feel comfortable in and that will offer all the treatment options they require.
Step Two: Staging an Intervention

Gather a small group of loved ones who can assist with the intervention.
Interventions are often successful at helping people realize their need for treatment and for allowing them to make that transition into care. It can also remove the burden of being the only one to talk to your addicted loved one from your shoulders.
- When staging a proper intervention…
- 6 or so people is usually standard.
- Make sure the people you ask to attend will be able to stay calm and collected during the intervention.
- Ask everyone to write down what they will say beforehand.
- Try to make sure everyone stays on topic.
You may even want to hire a professional interventionist or therapist to be present for the meeting. This serves the purpose of making your loved one understand the gravity of the situation while also having a professional there to make sure everyone stays on message.
Step Three: Follow Through
If your loved one does decide to seek treatment, don’t wait. Make sure that they get into a professional rehab program as soon as possible. This is another reason why choosing the program beforehand is important, as sometimes addicts say they will seek help but they do not. This is a common issue with addicted individuals, as stated by the American Clinical Climatological Association, because lying is often “an essential element of addiction.”
If your loved one refuses to seek help, it is important to be very clear on what type of consequences they should expect. You should decide beforehand how you will react if they do not want to go to treatment and then follow through with this reaction. If, for example, you decide you will no longer lend your loved one money if they won’t get the help they need, make sure you do not waver on this promise.
Step Four: Support Them
Staying supportive of your loved one when they seek morphine addiction treatment is essential to helping them recover as safely and effectively as possible. You can visit them in treatment, go to family therapy together, and do a number of other things to show them you will be there for them throughout their recovery. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, family members who are involved in their loved one’s treatment can actually help extend the benefits of said treatment for the addict.
Seek Treatment Today
Let us help you find the best treatment options for your loved one’s morphine addiction by calling 800-442-6158 Who Answers? today.