New York Opiate Addiction Treatment

In the state of New York, opiate addiction has become more prevalent throughout the last decade. Opiates, also known as narcotics, are powerful drugs, often found in the form of painkillers and heroin. Although overall rates of heroin abuse continues to decline, the widespread availability of painkillers, through legally and illegally written prescriptions, continues to be on the rise.

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  • Unfortunately, those who begin abusing prescription opioids can potentially turn to heroin abuse as a cheaper way to get the high they seek (National Institute on Drug Abuse). After this occurs, the individual will usually require much more intensive treatment for their addiction.
  • People who are suffering from a comorbid mental disorder in addition to their opioid addiction will often need to seek inpatient care. This is a much safer option for those experiencing severe psychiatric side effects to their opioid addictions or any additional mental disorders.
  • While buprenorphine has been making strides in its ability to treat opioid addicts, the safest option for pregnant patients is still usually methadone (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration).
  • Opioid abusers who seek treatment have often been abusing other types of drugs as well. It is important for doctors to treat all the substance abuse syndromes a person is suffering from during addiction treatment.


  • In 2015, both the rates of general drug overdose (13.6) and of opioid overdose (13.3) in the state of New York were higher than the national rates, according to two studies from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (1, 2).
  • Unfortunately, the percentage of individuals 12 years of age and older who admitted to past year heroin abuse in New York was 0.52, according to the SAMHSA. This was higher than the national average (NIDA).
  • In the year 2014, there were 2,599 heroin overdose outpatient emergency department visits in the state total. This is an increase from the previous year, which only had 1,897, and the year before that, which only had 1,154 (New York State Health Department).
  • As stated by the NYSHD, 42 percent of all treatment admissions in 2014 were for the primary or secondary treatment of opioid addiction syndromes, “up 19 percent from 2010.”
  • Between the years 2010 and 2015, naloxone administrations, opioid analgesic-related deaths, heroin deaths, and opioid-related emergency department visits have all increased in the state of New York.


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  • Cigna
  • Aetna
  • United Health Care
  • Humana
  • BlueCross Blue Shield
  • kaiser Permanent