Michigan Opiate Addiction Treatment

Michigan has seen an increase in the number of prescription related overdose deaths in the past 5 years and continues to battle problems with cheaper versions of opiates such as heroin as well as synthetic opiates such as methadone. There was a 31% increase in the number of Oxycontin prescriptions obtained in a single recent year and this number continues to be on the rise.

For Help Finding a Treatment Center in Michigan, Call:

800-442-6158 Who Answers?

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  • Opioid addiction treatment programs have many different costs depending on the type of care you seek. In addition, your insurance plan is likely to help pay for some of the cost of your treatment program, especially if you obtained your plan through the Healthcare Marketplace.
  • People who choose methadone maintenance as a rehab program often manage to stop abusing opioids as well as experience a decrease in contracting dangerous diseases, incarceration, and the uncomfortable side effects of quitting opioid abuse.
  • Opioid abusers sometimes want to stop using drugs but are unable to do so because of the way the substance changes their brain. This is why professional treatment is often so necessary to recovery.
  • Many opioid addicts continue using drugs, which is costly and dangerous, even after they no longer cause the euphoric effects they once did, due to tolerance. This type of problematic behavior can be treated in opioid addiction rehab.



Call now to find out if FREE TREATMENT is available to you!

  • Cigna
  • Aetna
  • United Health Care
  • Humana
  • BlueCross Blue Shield
  • kaiser Permanent